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Commercial Chef Bases

Now you can maximize the productivity and storage in your kitchen with the vast variety of commercial chef bases available at Kitchen Services.

Always make sure that you invest in a chef base that is rated to support the cumulative weight of your equipment, you should verify that your preferred unit can fit comfortably into your commercial kitchen with enough room. 

You can select from a variety of Chef bases from our store of Kitchen Services as we have a lot of modern Chef bases ready to sell in Los Angeles.

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Chef Bases


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Chef Bases



Chef Bases


10% OFF

Chef Bases



Chef Bases


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Chef Bases


10% OFF

Chef Bases



Common Questions About Chef Bases

Which compressor location should I choose?

The preferred location for mounting air compressors would be on the inside of the frame rail. There is plenty of airflows to keep the compressor cool and the compressor itself is sufficiently protected from the elements. A little water splashed on the compressor will not hurt it.  

Should I get independent temperature controls?

Temperature controllers are needed in any situation requiring a given temperature to be kept stable. This can be in a situation where an object is required to be heated, cooled, or both and to remain at the target temperature (setpoint), regardless of the changing environment around it. There are two fundamental types of temperature control that is open-loop and closed-loop control. Open-loop is the most basic form and applies continuous heating/cooling with no regard for the actual temperature output. It is analogous to the internal heating system in a car. On a cold day, you may need to turn the heat on to full to warm the car to 75°. However, during warmer weather, the same setting would leave the inside of the car much warmer than the desired 75°. Any Temperature Controlled System is a type of control system that automatically controls the temperature of an object or an area. We commonly use temperature control systems in Refrigerators where the temperature is automatically adjusted as per the input settings.  

What is a marine edge?

A marine edge that is also referred to as a no-drip edge, is one of the most unique edges that you can opt for a countertop. A marine edge features a raised ridge along the sides of your countertop. Most countertops feature an edge that is level with or tapers off from the rest of the countertop